The One with Grandma Doris' 80th Birthday

Friday, January 9, 2009

Today is my Grandma Doris' 80th birthday. I was commissioned over Christmas break to make a book filled with pictures and letters from each one of her descendants as a special gift to her. So tonight we surprised her with a dinner at Ruby River Steakhouse and we gave her the book. I took pictures of each page so those who couldn't attend can still see it.

CoverTitle Page
Grandpa Tedder the Gooder and Better's Page
Katy's Page
Steve's Page
John's Page
Ashley's Page
Maren's Page
Sara Jayne's Page
James' Page
Cissy's Page
Dave's Page
Elizabeth's Page
Carolyn's Page
Tom's Page
Paige's Page (hardy har :)
Chris' Page
Eric's Page
Allison's Page
Doris' Pages

At dinner, Katy gave her a neat pair of laser light scissors so you can always cut in a straight line. Very handy for an esteemed seamstress!
Here she is opening her book.
And we finished the night with a delicious cake.
Happy 80th birthday Grandma! We love you!


  1. GORGEOUS book, Paige! Love it and I'm sure she did, too! So beautiful and such a great idea!

  2. your creativity always blows me away. love ya!

  3. That book looks amazing. You did such a great job.

  4. Katy said that she was so excited about the book and that she was thrilled with the pictures and the letters. You are so talented to have done all that.


Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN