The One with 4th of July 2009 Part Two

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here's how our 4th of July went.

We woke up around 7 and headed over to my Warner grandparents to help them clean off their deck and prepare for their annual after-parade lunch. Every year for the Freedom Festival people go up in hot air balloons which dot the sky. We were able to see a few of the balloons from the top of my grandparent's hill. Allie got much better pictures because she was closer so I might have to steal some and add them here later.
After we came back home and got ready and made cupcakes (see previous post) we drove back to the Warners, 'cept it took about 15 minutes longer than it should have because of the parade traffic.
Lunch was delicious, as always. My cousin James and Allison graced us with another rendition of "Rise." See previous, previous post.
This is my ENTIRE family on the Warner's side, including all the great-grandbabies, fiancees, etc. The only person missing is my brother Eric who gets back from Mexico in three weeks from tomorrow! Left to right: Ashley, Allie #1, Chris, Paige, Allie #2, Tom, Carolyn, Sneakers the dog, Sara Jayne, Tyler, Elizabeth, Maren, James, Katy, Tanner, John, Grandma Doris, Grandpa Ted, Cissy, Dave, Steve. Here's how we're all related: Grandma Doris and Grandpa Ted have three daughters: Katy, Cissy and Carolyn. Katy married Steve and they have four kids: John, Maren, Sara Jayne and James. John married Ashley and they have two kids: Allie and Tanner. Sara Jayne is going to marry Tyler next month. Cissy married Dave and they have one daughter: Elizabeth. Carolyn married Tom and they have three kids: Paige, Eric (missing from photo) and Allie. Paige married Chris and they have no kids as of yet. And a partridge in a pear tree.

After lunch we headed up to the Taylor family cabin in Sundance. I think this is my 4th year in a row attending! Here we are, chillaxing.Oh em gee. My cousin Leah is the CUTEST little girl in the whole wide world. If my kids looks half as cute as she does, I will consider myself lucky. I love her tousled locks. After lunch a few of us went on a "hike" up to Stewart Falls.

My cousin Benji, deeply enthralled and animated while telling us about the carcasses he found last time he went on this hike. It's so nice being married to such a merry person.This picture totally reminds me of all the trekking across the island in LOST.I know how to hike in style - I got these ruby red shoes in Paris. But don't let them fool you, on the bottom they've got some mad rubber treads which kept me on the straight and narrow.
Final destination: these beautiful falls. A li'l snake crossed my path. I thought it was a big worm at first. Twasn't.After hiking through the blazing hot sun, it was nice to cool off by the mist coming from the waterfall. This was the view looking back from the falls over Sundance. Sooooooooo green from all the summer rain!My mini me. Me.Uncle David letting Leah play in the river.
I heart sun spots. More more more!
Allie and her friend Bianca love getting their picture taken. Literally every 100 feet they would stop and make us snap a few. I don't mind so much, they make for great pictures to scrap.
They sure are cute friends!My lovely Malm and Dald.
Back at the cabin, we once again had to take a picture of the ENTIRE Taylor family, sans Eric. From left to right: David, Benji, Anissa, Leah, Natalie, Kenny the dog (Shelties are the Taylor family dog of choice), Grandma Cathie, Cat, Daniel, John Jr., Grandpa John, Carolyn, Tom, Allie, Paige, Chris.Here's how we're all related: Grandma Cathie and Grandpa John have three sons: John Jr., Tom and David. John Jr. married Natalie and they have two kids: Cat and Daniel. Tom married Carolyn and they have three kids: Paige, Eric (missing from photo), and Allie. Paige married Chris. David married Anissa and they have two kids: Benji and Leah. And a partridge in a pear tree.

We drove back to Provo to take a nap and then 'round 7 I went with my cousin Elizabeth to the Stadium of Fire.Four loud fighter jets flew overhead. Pictures for you Dald. Glenn Beck MC'd the production. He's a funny guy.
So much to see, so many dancers, so much fun.Then a pair of helicopters flew overhead. Another picture for you Dald. SHeDaisy performed first. I don't really know who they are, but they're from Magna, UT so that's pretty cool I guess. Then there was some more music and dancing. Finally the moment we'd all been waiting for: THE JONAS BROTHERS!! That Joe Jonas is somethin' else. Woooo wee!But seriously, they were very entertaining. The little girls were screaming so loud, it was hard to hear the dudes singing!The evening ended with a spectacular specticle of fireworks.About 10 minutes after the fireworks started, they stopped so this ginormous flag could be retired. Meaning, they burned it up. I thought it was sorta weird, but I guess that's the proper way to dispose of a flag.
Then the fireworks continued and ended with an awesome finale. The smoke-filled stadium looked a little eerie as we were walking out. But I like eerie so I took a picture.And that concludes my 4th of July 2009. See ya'll again next year!


  1. Wow! It looks like your weekend was a lot of fun. I know I've already told you this, but I have to post it. :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of Bianca and Allie running in the fields! They are awesome!

  2. Now THAT is the way the Fourth should be celebrated! ;) So glad you and your family had a great time! LOVED the recap! Oh, and I love Glenn Beck. Heehee! ;) Hugs! Have a great day!

  3. What an awesome day! I really miss hiking the Timp trail, it's sooo beautiful up there!


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