The One with Screen Printing

Friday, July 31, 2009

First off, the conclusion of my Washington Trip - day six: My dad went back to work, my brother went off and did his own thing, Chris was already back in UT, so what are three girls left to do? Shop of course! We went to Bellevue Square where I made a deal with my mom that if she'd buy me a skirt I'd clean out her fridge. Let's just say I think I got the short end of the stick. Even though my skirt is super duper cute, that fridge was nasty! No pictures from our shopping adventure, just one picture from the plane ride home. It's the moon over a sunset and it kind of reminds me a of Mark Rothko painting.
Today was a nice way to ease back into work. Screen printing day! It's an annual treat that we all get to design t-shirts and print them at Ben's house. He's got his own garage-turned-screen-printing-business.
I designed a tree t-shirt with "create" on the side and next I'm going to cut felt leaves and stitch them onto the branches. Pictures to come if I ever find the time to do it. I'm kind of a mess right now timewise what with the move, reunions, graduations, weddings, photoshoots for work, so on and so forth. I'm getting another zit on my forehead just thinking about it - I swear I haven't had acne this bad since high school! Anyways. Where was I? Oh yeah. Screen printing. Here's Ben helping me center the platen just where it needs to be. You've got to make sure there's just the right amount of space between the screen and the shirt.Pick a brown, any brown. I chose the middle one, it's got a pretty red tint to it. I like red. Paint has been applied, now alls that's left to do is pull. I pushed and pulled with all my might!
Here's a little sneaky sneak of Lindsey's shirt. I'm sure she'll blog about her own adventure once I give her her pictures.Now I've got seven brand spanking new one-of-a-kind t-shirts to flaunt around. Jealous much? :)


  1. I'm going to save the fridge for you to clean at Christmas. Ok? Thanks!

  2. The tree shirt is cute! I love the idea of sewing leaves onto it. I'm jealous.

  3. Love your design, Paige!
    I'm jealous! :-D

  4. You know at the top where it shows the "b" for blogger in the web address. I was trying to change it to a kitty. That way when people went to my site it would be a kitty and not the "b." I gave up.

  5. I am jealous. Although if I had remembered to bring a few shirts I would have had more people do a few for me. :( I did have Jen make me one. :) Love it.


Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN