The One with the New Look!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hooray! My blog is like freaking sweet looking now thanks to Kristina! If you're reading this via Reader or some other external site, you really should come take a gander at the real deal. I love it. I heart it. It's exactly what I wanted. And it was fast and easy and a good price! I HIGHLY recommend Blog Designs by Two Happy Mamas.

Thanks again Kristina, you rock, and you made this blog rock too :)

Also, make sure you stop by the CARDS blog to enter to win a one year online subscription to CARDS. I posted my weekly challenge post today and made a card to go along with it, thanks to the sweet nudge by Kelley.

Have a happy Friday and good weekend!


  1. Cute, Paige. I noticed some odd alignment issues using firefox on my Mac. I also saw these on Kristina's blog samples. Someone should probably mention it to her.

  2. Super cute, Paige - I {heart} it, too!

  3. Hey Paige!
    Ask Jen what odd alignment she is seeing. I'd love to know. The only thing I see is what we talked about - centering up that graphic and the links. Everything else looks good to me on your blog and the sample blogs. Sometimes because of different size monitors and resolution websites will look different to different people. To fix that I just go to View, Zoom Out (or in) and that helps. Maybe that is what Jen is talking about? Looks good to me though! LOL! :-D I love it! ;)

  4. HOT!... ok more pretty, but i LOVE it!

  5. She did a fantastic job!! I might need a spruce up job, now that I am lookin' at yours!

  6. The new look is awesome. So cute.

  7. LOVE the new blog design!!!!! Super cute card too!

  8. Love it!! The blog redo and the card! :) I think you should make a card for every challenge... like you don't have enough to do already, right? :) But... I sure would love to see them! Ha!!

  9. Hooray for your card! I LOVE it! I need to make more cards. :D

    LOVE the new blog! Super awesome. :D

  10. I think it is awesome how you are able to go to Disneyland so often, that is so fun. It was fun to meet Nick at the dinner at Grandma's, we all really miss you. He is such a nice person and it sounds like he might be working in California making movies in a few years. We were ALL talking about how talented you are and how awesome your blog is.


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