The One with the Bookbinding Workshop Re-Cap

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today was a great day. I spread some knowledge and taught others how to create beautiful books. Chicken soup for the soul I tell ya.

The workshop took place in the basement of the Scrapbook Trends/Northridge Media office. Chris and I went in about an hour before the workshop started to set it all up. This was my designated spot so I could demonstrate the millions of steps.Let me introduce you to the participants. This is Alisha. I've known her forever. And when I say forever, I mean like four years. Which is pretty much forever. We work at both Scrapbook Trends AND American Crafts together. See you tomorrow Alisha. I love shipping back reader boxes....
Here's a close up of Alisha's book in progress. The robin's egg blue flourish paper paired with fuchsia thread was gorgeous!
This is Pam, Alisha's super nice roommate.
This is Lindsey, my American Crafts co-worker. She inspired me to do the workshop. You're a geniu"sssss" Lind"sssss"ey.
Here's Lindsey hard at work linking those stitches.
This is Clairice, another American Crafts co-worker. She's amazing in every shape way and form. I won't even give her a hard time for not turning her alarm clock on, therefore sleeping in, and coming an hour late :)
This is Sari. I was her first student teacher at Pleasant Grove High School back in the fall of 2007. I love that we've kept in touch. She brought me some wicked cool marbled papers from Italy. I can't wait to use them in a book.
Sari brought her charming friend Staci. She made an awesome book with colorful scrapbooking papers. Finished book pictures are farther down this post.
Here's Hannah, the oh so talented designer of CARDS magazine. She also gave me the idea to do a bookbinding workshop when she asked me how to make a book a few weeks ago.
And this is Kolbi, one of my blog stalkers :) I'm so glad I got to meet someone new through this workshop!
This is the group hard at work. Attaching the covers is a pain-in-the-booty, but between that it's a pretty easy gig...right?....
Here's Staci with her beautiful finished book. Those oranges and yellows are divine. She made her pages with a whole bunch of different scrapbooking papers and used plexiglass covers.Here's Sari with her crafty finished book. She totally cut out and pieced together those felt fish, I MEAN birds, (tee hee) herself. I watched her do it! So stinkin' cute. I want one.
Here's Kolbi with her beautiful finished book. She used an assortment of pretty scrapbooking papers and used plexiglass covers with a matching blue thread. So dang good for her very first book!
Clairice. Man. There are no words to describe her talent. She came prepared with papers she designed and printed herself and used fabric covered boards. She's going to stamp a cool image in the middle.
Here's the inside of her book. I might just steal it when she's not looking.
Matchy matchy Alisha :) But seriously, I'm gonna steal her book too. I love being able to see the patterned paper through the plexiglass and I never would have thought to use that fuchsia thread. Gar-jus (that means "gorgeous").Hannah is going to apply white rub ons throughout her little black book (and on the plexiglass cover - neato!) and use it as a quote book. Brilliant right? I hope I get to see pictures of the finished product!
Slowpoke Lindsey finished second-to-last, heaven forbid! (I'm just teasin' ya girl.) She designed her own patterned paper which you can see through the plexiglass cover. I loves it.And last but certainly not least, Pam proved that all it takes is a little time and patience to make a 16-hole book. So ambitious for a first-timer! The result is amazing though. She printed a title in German which you can see through her plexiglass cover - the material of choice apparently!
I advertised that the class would be from 10am-4pm and guess when Chris and I left the building? 4:05pm. Pretty good huh? The only mishap was when I got out the hand drill and realized I left the bits at home. Luckily Chris was just upstairs preparing for his final and was able to run home and get them for me. Disaster averted.

I wish I could do another workshop here in Utah, but alas, in exactly two weeks I will be driving in a big ol' moving truck to SoCal. I hope to continue doing workshops there though, because this was really fun. I love everyone's books and hope they continue to make them :)


  1. looks like a blast! let me know if you do it again!

  2. Hands down Paige! You did an amazing job and I am so glad I was able to come. I feel bad for all those other people who read this post and weren't there. Poor them I would have to say. I so am going to miss you! :(

  3. Looks very fun! :) Love the Orla Kelly-esque one!

  4. wait.
    it's not kelly, it's kiely. or keily. or something like that. i'm a nimrod.

  5. Thanks Paige! It was so much fun. You are a great teacher and an amazing artist. I loved today and SO hope you come back and do another workshop. For REAL!

  6. Oh, Paige, these photos are amazing! I wish I could have been there too. How fun! And I DO go to SoCal at least once a year (I was born and raised in Anaheim...), so perhaps I'll be able to make it to one of your future classes. :D

  7. me too!

    i WISH i could have been there... but alas, now i have a reason to visit you in California. (will the $25 for the class pay for a night of sleeping on your couch?)

    you are a great teacher. hope you do another soon!

  8. Oh I am so sorry that I didn't take this class and get the opportunity to meet you IRL, the pictures are uh-mazing and it looks like you all had tons of fun. I wish both of you well and congrats on the move but you will be missed here in Utah! I hope to someday meet you in person as my friend Evonne did, she {loved"} you by the way. Best Wishes always :)


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