The One with Huntington Beach

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm so behind reading my Google Reader blog list. But next week I'll have all the time in the world so I plan to get all caught up then. If I read your blog, expect a comment soon :)

I woke up this morning to the fresh smell of burning bush. I hear it's one of the four seasons of California. The others are like earthquakes, mudslides, and something else. LOL.After we dropped Chris off at USC, Allie, Jay, and I headed to Huntington Beach.
The USA Surfing Championship was going down. How serendipitous. Not that I surf or anything, it was just fun to watch especially since I forgot a book to read.From 11 year old girls to men in their 50's, it was amazing to see what these people can do on a board in the water. The Ruby's Diner at the end of the pier is so random. Why Ruby's? I mean, it's good food and all, but the one I usually go to at Redmond Town Center isn't something to write home about. I'd think it would be like a, like a, I don't even know. Some really expensive and hoity toity restaurant. Then again, maybe this Ruby's is really expensive and hoity toity.
Here's Allie having the time of her life. She actually did have a good time, despite the expression on her face here.
I got burned. Real bad. Like 2nd degree burned. I thought I had a pretty good base and could last five hours in the sun. Not so much. I'm a flippin' lobster. You could probably cut me up and eat me. But please don't.
Not even the sweatshirt could save me. Bring on the aloe vera.
Allie and I went and saw The Time Traveler's Wife. I cried the entire second half of the movie. 9 out of 10. I loves it.


  1. i wish i was in cali...i am jealous. i have been a VIP at that exact surf contest back in 94'. my dad was working there and i met all the HOT surfers. (Kelly Slater?)

    i hope you adjust quickly to my home state. i miss it! :) hit up Disneyland too!

    take care peggy!

  2. AAHHHH! I'm with Katie. It's so weird and fun reading about you going to all the places I grew up going to for the first time. I can't tell you how fun it was growing up in Cali. So fun. That Ruby's is classic, and yes, it's the same old Ruby's and same prices. It's kinda nice that it's a normal restaurant that anyone can go to and not some super rich place. Huntington is a crazy place. I got into lots of trouble their growing up. I can't wait until you venture further south to the heart of the OC. It's a little painful reading about all the stuff you are doing because I wish I was there! Have fun! Keep up the blog.

  3. congrats on the move. Your palce looks cute. i love the color scheme.

  4. I'm sure you're enjoying the move,. Your place looks really cute. I love the color scheme.

  5. Looks like a good move for yall. The place is cute. I love the color scheme.

  6. Seriously, Paige, save yourself the misery, and call a doctor. Or go to some urgent care place to get some Silvadine. I think it's Silver Nitrate cream (for burn victims). I'ts only $15.

    I had 2nd degree burns in April this year, and I seriously was in so much pain (and blistering) that I almost passed out from the pain. I didn't call the doctor until the 2nd week, and that was stupid. Had I called sooner, I would have been feeling SO much better... sooner. :D Please, take it from me. :)

    And I LOVE that Ruby's at the end of the Pier. Maybe it wouldn't seem so random if you read the history of Ruby's? Go to their website to catch up. LOL. I love their history. :) I just love Ruby's. :) Feels like home to me.

  7. Paige--it is fun to read your blog. I came across it from the ST blog. Love reading your mini-album articles. Enjoy SoCal! DH is from there and we go back to visit at least once a year. It is always hard to leave.

    Oh--do you mean the Redmond Town Center in WA?? That is so close to me. We eat at Ruby's almost every time we go there.


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