The One with Fabric and Trim Galore

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I was invited to tag along with some other fine young woman (Emily (and Hadley), Erica (and Brooklyn) and Jenny to be exact) to go to a trim store in LA while our husbands are off learning about teeth. Trim store or teeth, trim store or teeth, trim store or teeth? Hmmm...lemme think about it for just a fraction of a millisecond...I'll take the trim store please!There were boxes stacked from floor to ceiling filled with flowers, trims, fabric, doo dads, and more.
The moms were here on a mission: find material to make cute flower headbands. I think their options were limited....not!
This guy was amazingly agile. He climbed up the shelves like a monkey and found exactly what Erica and Emily were looking for, no sweat.Then we walked the fabric-lined streets. Seriously, fabric everywhere! As far as the eye could see!I bet some of the people we saw walking around this fabric store (can't remember the name of it, shoot) are up-and-coming designers. They sure looked the part.I would like a shirt and/or scrapbook paper made out of all of these fabrics please, thank you!
'Twas a fun afternoon hanging out with the girls. Hope to do it again real soon!


  1. I want to go to there!!

  2. The girls in Utah would go CRAZY OVER THIS STORE! Seriously uh-mazing!

  3. What an awesome store! You've gotta remember the name! I like reading about your field trips. I miss you a TON!

  4. miss me?!? whatever...

    i can't wait to visit you. the store looks like heaven!

  5. Thanks for bloging our eventful trip so I could show Blake how amazing those stores were. :) It was so much fun...we need to do another outing soon!

  6. Love it! I want those fabrics too!

  7. ahh the fabric district. your pictures are awesome, i love the ones of all the trim.

    sort of unrelated but did you go to michael levine? it's right by much fabric in one store, it will blow your mind.

  8. YES! MICHAEL LEVINE! That's the one we went to. It was awesome.

  9. Ooooh now THAT looks like fun! Definitely more fun than teeth! ;)

  10. so in love with the last pic you posted.... such beautiful color combinations!!!

  11. wow... speechless and amazing... i think i would have walked out with the entire store.

  12. Yummy!!! Paige, I'm SO jealous! And I do have a purse made out of those yellow/grey Amy Butler fabrics. I haven't carried it in a while... LOL. I should get that out!

    I didn't know that LA had a "garment district." That is SO cool! Although... being LA, I guess I could have figured that they probably do. LOL. You know... being LA and all. ;-)

  13. Oh the ribbon...I love ribbon!!! My friends think I need a ribbon intervention!! I would go crazy in this place!!!


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