The One with I'm Ready To Go!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Backpack packed? Check.

Phone, camera, iPod, and laptop charged? Check.

House cleaned? Check.

Last minute puppy preparations taken care of? Check.

Emergency evacuation plan figured out in case of more tsunami-like weather? Check.The winds were howling last night and took out a few dead branches of our sole front yard palm tree. It looks a lot worse than it actually was. The tree probably needed a good pruning anyways.
Still, it's lookin' a li'l sparse now, haha.T-minus 11 hours and 15 minutes until I touch down in Seattle! I love going home!


  1. have fun! wow, first fires now are totally getting initiated to so cal weather :)

  2. Fun are you going home for Halloween??

  3. Hooray!! Give Joey a hug and a kiss for me! :D

  4. Hey you are really close to me! Well 4 hours close, but that's close! How cool is that! Have a great time and be safe! :)

  5. ok... first off.. you have a palm tree on your front lawn?? how jealous am I?!?

    have fun in Seattle!!

  6. Have a good trip! I SO want to live in Seattle!


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